Friday, May 15, 2009


When I commutate with people it is usually through a text. Its easer because you can’t tell how you are sounding so if you want say something but you don’t want sound mean then you can tell them in a text. There are many ways to commutate like over the computer. Some examples are MySpace, facebook.
I have had many awkward moments with my mom. Sometimes she will check my phone but before she does she will ask me to go get it and I will delete al the text messages so she will not read then and once I forgot to and she say stuff and was asking me about it and it brought up a lot of things that was into fun for me to talk about.

When I was like 6 years old I went to the mall with my mom and I stole a Pokémon keychain and I was showing my dad when we were eating at Applebee’s I pulled it out of my glove and was showing my dad. My mom asked what it was and I would not tell her. My mom ended up making me go back to the store and give it back to the lady. My mom was telling me after that if I ever did that again the cops would take me away and I would never see my parents again.

When I am in the classroom I am always getting in trouble for talking. In second grade I Marisa and Elise were all in the same class. We would always talk and on our report card they had to and an extra number for us. I still remember what it was. 29 talkative. We had that in there for the inter year and we have not been in the same class since.

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